An LDP proxy adding the extracting importer API.
Compile and run with
mvn clean install exec:java
You can configure the proxy with the following system properties:
- proxy.port: specifies the port the proxy should listen to (default: 8181)
- target.uri: specifies the URI requests should be forwarded to (default: http://localhost:8080)
mvn -Dtarget.uri= -Dproxy.port=8080 exec:java
This will start the proxy to listen to port 8080 and forward requests to
As an alternative to running with maven a built exacutable jar can also be used. The
jar is located in the target directory and create when building with maven (e.g. mvn install
), "--help" shows its usage:
java -jar proxy-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
This command has the following arguments: [-T|--target string] [-P|--port int] [-H|--help]
-T|--target string The base URI to which to redirect the requests (hostname is only used to locate target server)
-P|--port int The port on which the proxy shall listen
-H|--help Show help on command line arguments