Simple program for principal component analysis
This program calculates the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of a series of samples of particle configurations. It is an analysis tool for molecular dynamic simulations
<particles_per_sample> <sample_filename> [ <eigenvector_filename> ] [ <eigenvalue_filename> ]
The inputfiles must hold <particles_per_samples> lines with 3 tab or whitespace seperated floating point numbers which a treated as components of a position vector. There is no separation between the samples, all have to have the same length and the same particle order.
First the covariance matrix cov(i,j) is calculated, which is
cov(i,j) = < (x[i] - m[i] - com) * (x[j] - m[j] - com) >
where x[i] is the i-th position, m[i] is the mean of the i-th position. < . > means "average over samples" and com_l = ( x[1]_l + x[2]_l + ... + x[particles_per_sample]_l ) / particles_per_sample, l = x,y,z is the center of mass.
The the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of cov(i,j) are calculated. They are sorted in order of ascending eigenvalue.
The program depends on eigen3 []. It can be build by
g++ -I/path/to/eigen3
The file rewrite_blockfile.c contains a c-file to convert blockfiles of the espresso simulation packge to input files of the programm.
It can be build by "gcc rewrite_blockfile.c"