Sample JAVA SE Program with an interceptor. Borne out of
What this does:
- very simple CDI console app
- boots CDI via newish CDI2 style SE bootup API
- has simple 'service' that is injected
- has a interceptor annotation around a service method
- had to enableInterceptors() explicitly
- beans.xml seem in place, but not clear WeldSE is picking up on it.
- put a typo in the beans.xml interceptors tags and WELD isn't complaining?
- maybe running from gradle is NOT correctly making a BDU (and just running from 'classes') as w/o addPackage(); Weld complains: no bean archives found
I run via:
./gradlew run
- So gradle 'application' or a custom run task WILL not have a proper bean archive, it will just use classes and resources in the build area.
- Weld SE will treat this environment (classes with META-INF in classpath) as a synthetic BDU, and that will require manual stuff in the during container setup up (including enableInterceptor()).
- Using an uberJar, and running via java -jar makes weld more 'comfortable' an the uberJar appears like a proper BDU to WELD and it properly sets up stuff via beans.xml
- Once in uberJar, Weld started barfing about typo in beans.xml -- yay!
- In the synthetic BDU mode, WELD was cavalier about CDI beans. It made a @Named, a CDI bean, when maybe it shouldn't. An addPackage() call duing CDI boot may have caused this; I don't know. At any rate, salient point is that @Named isn't a bean defining attribute.
So now I run via:
./gradlew clean build
java -jar build/libs/sample_java_se_cdi_interceptor-all.jar
This behaves well and matches my expectations. Having said that, this work was born out of a Jersey/JavaSE/CDI issue and that project was using a different packaging where a synthetic BDU was NOT in play (or I don't think it is). Further in that work, Jersey-CDI2-SE was booting weld and there was no explicit use of SeContainer and there still seems to be an issue with interceptors there.