EME (Encrypt-Mix-Encrypt) wide-block encryption in TypeScript/JavaScript.
Pure and full TypeScript/JavaScript port of https://github.com/rfjakob/eme.
Almost line-to-line "translation", with all the ported test cases.
npm install @fyears/eme
import { EMECipher, AESCipherBlock } from "@fyears/eme"
import { deepStrictEqual } from "assert"
import { webcrypto } from "crypto"
(async function(){
const key = new Uint8Array([
]) // 16-byte Uint8Array the user provided for the AES part
const tweak = new Uint8Array(16)
webcrypto.getRandomValues(tweak) // iv
const input = new Uint8Array(64) // some Uint8Array the user provided
const bc = new AESCipherBlock(key)
const eme = new EMECipher(bc)
const output = await eme.encrypt(tweak, input)
const inputBack = await eme.decrypt(tweak, output)
deepStrictEqual(inputBack, input)