- Automate the logbook using pdf, reportlab, pypdf2
- Honing Python skill for Nton Smart Inventory project
- Utilize free time during Movement Control Order (MCO) happening in Malaysia
- Inspired by a classmate's post on automation, hence, tried myself for the sake of curiosity
- Main program requires following modules to run: pypdf2, reportlab
- Miner requires pdfminer modules to run
- Run daily_log.py
- Enter day, date, activities, work produced, comments on the activities and give name for your file.
- Produced logs will be on logs folder.
- Print that thing.
- Pdf file daily and weekly scraped using miner_daily and miner_weekly to get the position of textfield instead of blind guess
- Modify the coordinate a bit just to make sure it is accurate
- daily_log.py then will copy all daily.pdf content then insert all input data from user then create new file according to the user
- Use if to decide max length for a line of text
- Use Python's textwrap method
textwrap.wrap(content, width=80, break_on_hyphens=False)
and store it as a new list - Display stored text using for loop, for each line of text being displayed with y-coordinate offsets
- Profit
- Best of luck on your internship guys.
- Fetch file from specific folder then use cron to execute python script
- Modularise the program
- You tell?