zacman, a simple zsh package manager in go
I need a simple way to use zsh plugins and theme, but I don't want to use a lot of blather just for some simple functions that I need. something like antigen, but with a static load mechanism like antigen-hs and no Haskel or other runtime, so I choose Go.
This is a gb project, so you can simply cline this, and use gb to build projects.
git clone --recursive
gb build
Note : I use git submodules instead of gb vendor.
but if you want, you can build it with go get
(not recomanded)
go get
first install some bundles. use zacman bundle
command :
zacman bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
if the plugin files are not in the root folder use the secound parameter for sub path :
zacman bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions src
see zacman help bundle
for detail help.
then check for list of installed bundle :
zacman list
for removing a bundle simply use
zacman remove sharat87/autoenv
Note : if bundle contain a sub path, in remove should supply that sub path too :
zacman remove zsh-users/zsh-completions src
you can save snapshots from your current bundles and restore them when you want to.
zacman snapshot A_NAME
zacman restore A_NAME
After any change to bundles, you need to compile things.
zacman compile
begin your .zshrc with this :
if [ ! -e ~/.zacman/zacman.zsh ];then
zacman compile
source ~/.zacman/zacman.zsh
# other configuration ....