conda create --name graphs python=3.9 pip
conda activate graphs
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download Noe4j Desktop and create a DBMS with 6 databases, named "scale-1" to "scale-6". Change the credentials in the .env
file. Install the APOC plugin for the DBMS.
You can start the DBMS from the UI.
Run the image in a Docker container. Once launched, run
docker run --name container-name -it -p 8182:8182 janusgraph/janusgraph
in some terminal to create a container for the specific database, with name container-name (optional), which forwards the port 8182. We created 6 containers, one for each database, but organizing them differently doesn't matter, since the connection is established through port 8182 (whichever container is using it). If you also want a Gremlin client console, run
docker run --rm --link janusgraph-default:janusgraph -e GREMLIN_REMOTE_HOSTS=janusgraph -it janusgraph/janusgraph:latest ./bin/
Use :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml
and :remote console
to connect the console to the same port.
to fill the Neo4j database. By default, the script empties and fills the databses a few times to measure the transaction time. Then, run
to test any of the CRUD operations. The CRUD scripts also test each operation a few times to exctract the desired metrics. You can easily change that by changing the N_TRIALS
parameter (set it to 1 for one iteration).
We test sequentially for all datasets, from scales 1 to 6. You can change the START
and END
variables, or explicitly modify the itarable for the scale code.
to fill JanusGraph or
to load a GraphSON file. Then, use
to run all query measurements for one scale. Set N_TRIALS
as explained above.
We implemented testing for each database. Run (database)
to verify the correctness of queries. You can easily add more tests.
We have synced the dataset txt
files, the corresponding pkl
pickles (made for fast loading during experimentation) and the GraphSON files for the datasets up to scale 3. To construct other subsets of data, use the script data/
that contains utility functions to process the DBLP V11 dataset. The full processed dataset can be found here.
- Gkrinias Georgios
- Milis Georgios
- Tsorvantzis Apostolos