These are the course exercise files. Review the commit history if you want to more easily follow along.
Course page:
- releases
- docs
- community links
- GitHub repos
- blog: Toward Vagrant 3.0
- blog: Vagrant 2.3 Introduces Go Runtime
- status of vagrant-go
- vagrant-go docs (experimental)
- vagrantcloud
- - building your own boxes
# change options
Get-PSReadLineOption | select PredictionSource, PredictionViewStyle
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History -PredictionViewStyle InlineView
# PredictionViewStyle: ListView or InlineView
# PredictionSource: History, Plugin, HistoryAndPlugin, None
# keys:
Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Bound -UnBound | where -Property Group -EQ Prediction
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key "Shift+RightArrow" -Function AcceptNextSuggestionWord # InlineView only