This is a common code puzzle found on a number of sites (Codewars, Leetcode etc..) and consists of encrypting words or a series of characters using only 0s. The characters are first converted to a binary string 7 bits long (i.e. 1001010), which is the length of ASCII character codes. These binary strings are then joined into a single string and form the input for the encrypting function.
The rules of the cipher dictate that the first occurrence of:
1 (bit on) == 0 + a space
0 (bit off) == 00 + a space
Then, each subsequent recurring 1 or 0 will not include a space until a different digit occurs. These digits will indicate the total number of 1/0s until the sequence breaks. Example:
1100110 would be: 0 00 (two 1s) 00 00 (two 0s) 0 00 (two 1s) 00 0 (one zero)
This script allows the user to choose a mode, and it includes a decrypter function which will decode a Chuck-Norris encoded string to a human-discernible message. There is also error handling which checks for illegal strings in both modes.