Unbook was a book recommendation app for android developed for experimental purposes. The application was released in two versions, one being the control version, which contains a list of books alternating between items of the genre that the user likes and different genres, and the treatment version, which includes a tag to work as a mechanism of a nudge to promote the diverse genre items. This repository contains the data obtained after the experiment.
The Qualitative survey - Control.csv and Qualitative survey - Treatment.csv files refer respectively to the data obtained after submitting a qualitative form to users who participated in the experiment in the control and treatment groups. The files Study with diversity_Nudge (data) - Control Group (N = 544).csv and Study with diversity_Nudge (data) - Treatment Group (N = 520).csv respectively refer to the data obtained during the execution of the application by the participants. of the experiment in the control and treatment groups.