This repository contains the necessary steps to analyze Helicos RNA-Seq data for microbiome samples.
1. Uclust
2. Python
here are the main steps to run the analysis
A metadata file is a simple text file that contains the information about each sample. For instance, a metadata file should look like this:
PYG-L1 Ruminococcous_gauvreauii P13.2017-08-23T14_56_30.0249460681073.fc1.ch1.filtered
TSY-L1 Enterococcus_caccae P13.2017-08-23T14_56_30.0249460681073.fc1.ch5.filtered
Column 1: Sample name
Column 2: Genome
Column 3: fasta file with Helicos reads
You just need to execute the following script:
sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
$1: path to the git repository (scripts) in local machine
$2: directory with the reference genomes
$3: directory where the raw reads are stored
$4: text file with metadata
$5: stage: 1 -> run alignment + analysis, 2 -> run analysis
1. Apigenin Impacts the Growth of the Gut Microbiota and Alters the Gene Expression of Enterococcus Minqian Wang 1,2, Jenni Firrman 1,*, Liqing Zhang 3, Gustavo Arango-Argoty 3, Peggy Tomasula 1Orcid, LinShu Liu 1, Weidong Xiao 4 and Kit Yam 2