⏱️ simple time tracker app on the command-line
tt [command] execute the given command
tt [activity] [message] start tracking time of a given activity, with an optional message
rep|report show report for the last 7 days, grouped by activity
ls|list [filter] list the last 20 entries
break [message] start break activity
stop [message] stop tracking time of the current activity
edit edit entries in text editor
active list active jira issues
upload [from day offset] upload worklog for jira issues (default offset = 0, which means only today)
To work with Jira, please provide JIRA_API_USER, JIRA_API_TOKEN, JIRA_API_HOST environment variables.
To create an API token please visit: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
An activity is considered a Jira ticket if matches the /\w+-\d+/ pattern.
file stores time entries which is saved into the $HOME
folder of the current user.
gem install time-tracker-cli
- Ruby 2.6 or newer, or JRuby
- nano - for editing entries in text editor
Most of the console applications support ANSI/VT100 escape sequences by default, however you might need to enable that in order to have proper colorized output.