A package that simplifies mpesa payments through stk push.
npm install mpesa-stk-push
const Mpesa = require("mpesa-stk-push");
//send an stk push for c2b payments
const mpesa = new Mpesa({
shortcode: "174379", //you passkey obtained from pesa daraja
passkey: "xscdds-------------aggafa", //your passkey obtained from pesa daraja
transactiontype: "CustomerPayBillOnline", //eg.customerpaybillonline
businessshortcode: "174379",
amount: "1",
phone: "2547xxxxx9", //customer phone number in 254 format
callbackurl: "https://example.com/callback", //callback url where response will be sent
accountreference: "", //eg. patakenya limited
transactiondesc: "Test transaction", //abc tv payment
mpesaauth: "gveF-------------------XTMLLGMd", //mpesa auth from mpesa daraja api
environment:"sandbox", //either production or sandbox
mpesa.sendMoney().then((response) => {
//something with the response
//Example response
MerchantRequestID: '3201-9121900-1',
CheckoutRequestID: 'ws_CO_2704202217362331144871229',
ResponseCode: '0',
ResponseDescription: 'Success. Request accepted for processing',
CustomerMessage: 'Success. Request accepted for processing'