Welcome to Duke, a simple and easy-to-use chat bot that will help manage your tasks.
Duke allows you to add new Events, Deadlines or To Do tasks to your list of tasks.
Once a task is added, you can then update Duke once you have completed the task.
You can also filter tasks according to the keyword you input.
You may also enter a command and Duke will list your current tasks.
Duke also allows you to delete a task when you no longer need it.
The help command brings up a list of tasks the user can use in Duke.
Expected outcome:
Welcome to Duke. The following are a list of possible commands:
todo <description> --- Creates a ToDo task
deadline <description> /by <dd/mm/yy hhmm> --- Creates a Deadline task
event <description> /at <dd/mm/yy hhmm> --- Creates an Event task
list --- Lists all tasks
done <task number> --- Mark a task as completed
delete <task number> --- Delete a task
help --- Display the help menu
bye --- Exit Duke
Example of usage:
todo CS2100 Tutorial
Expected outcome:
Got it. I have added this task:
[T][✗] CS2100 Tutorial
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
Example of usage:
event Sister's Birthday /at 20/10/19 1900
Expected outcome:
Got it. I have added this task:
[E][✗] Sister's Birthday (at: 20th of October 2019, 7pm)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
Example of usage:
deadline CS2103T Post Lecture Quiz /by 30/9/19 2359
Expected outcome:
Got it. I have added this task:
[D][✗] CS2103T Post Lecture Quiz (by: 30th of September 2019, 11.59pm)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
The user also inputs the number of the task he completed.
Example of usage:
done 2
Expected outcome:
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][✓] CS2103T Post Lecture Quiz (by: 30th of September 2019, 11.59pm)
The user also inputs the keyword that he is searching for.
Example of usage:
find CS2100
Expected outcome:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[T][✗] CS2100 Tutorial
Expected outcome:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[T][✗] CS2100 Tutorial
2.[E][✗] Sister's Birthday (at: 20th of October 2019, 7pm)
3.[D][✓] CS2103T Post Lecture Quiz (by: 30th of September 2019, 11.59pm)
The user also inputs the number of the task to delete.
Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
Noted. I've removed this task:
[E][✗] Sister's Birthday (at: 20th of October 2019, 7pm)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
Exits the Duke application.