Programming language chosen - Python
Find shortest path tree in both directed and undirected weighted graphs for a given source vertex. Assume there is no negative edge in your graph. You will print each path and path cost for a given source.
Given a connected, undirected, weighted graph, find a spanning tree using edges that minimizes the total weight. Use either Kruskal's or Prim's algorithm to find Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). You will printout edges of the tree and total cost of minimum spanning tree.
Given a directed graph G with n vertices and m edges. Decompose this graph into Strongly Connected Components (SCCs) and print the components.
- Please install dependencies : Python 3, NumPy, Pandas
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to the code folder
- Go to root folder of the algorithm that you want to run: Example - DijikstrasShortestPath
- Open command prompt
- Run python
- Choose input file from available options when prompted
- Output will be printed in console.