It is a custom attribute that replace the existing original sound with custom sound.
And it written for the Custom Attribute framework.
In fact, I wanted to use SM TF2 ReplaceSound, but it didn't work properly. So I made another one.
It would check the ca_replace_sound.cfg
. And like the example below, you can fill it out.
"classic" // Name the sound group.
// Write the original sound and the replacement sound separately.
"old sound" "new sound"
// Like this.
// The example is to change the SMG shoot sound to classic shoot sound.
")weapons/smg_shoot.wav" ")weapons/sniper_rifle_classic_shoot.wav"
")weapons/smg_shoot_crit.wav" ")weapons/sniper_rifle_classic_shoot_crit.wav"
If you want to know what the game sounds,
you can look inside .../tf2_misc_dir.vpk/scripts/game_sounds_weapons.txt
all of the sounds weapons refer to should be here.
Now, apply the corresponding sound group to custom weapon as shown below.
"replace sound" "classic"
- Reload the created sound group.