A multicast DNS and DNS Service Discovery Security Assessment Tool It can perform recconnaisance, Denial of Service, Man in the Middle attacks
Scan passively (for amount of timeout) python pholus3.py eth0 -stimeout 60
Sends a DNS query for PTR records with the name "_services._dns-sd._udp."; this yields a set of PTR records where the rdata of each PTR record is the two-label name plus the same domain, e.g., "_http._tcp.". By sending such a query, we can automatically discover all the services advertised in the network.
python pholus3.py eth0 -sscan
#If you want to perform the scan both for IPv4 and IPv6: python pholus3.py eth0 -sscan -4 -6
#You can also spoof the souce address to perform this reconnaissance in a stealthy way. python pholus3.py eth0 -sscan -s4
python pholus3.py eth0 --request
python pholus3.py eth0 -rdns_scanning
python pholus3.py eth0 -afre -stimeout 100
use --help to identify specific spoofing capabilities for MiTM purposes, eg -printer)
python pholus3.py ../mdns_traffic.pcap --readpcap