tinystm is finite automation use c++ 11
sample: #include #include #include "stm.hpp"
int main( int argc , const char * argv[] ) { int ret = 0;
stm<std::string , int > mach;
// add two status node p_s1 as start , and p_s2 as end;
stm<std::string, int >::stStatus * p_s1 = mach.add( "ready" );
// specify the start node which id is 0
stm<std::string , int > :: stStatus *p_s2 = mach.add("end" );
// specify the end node with node pointer.
mach.endStatus( p_s2 );
// add convert arc , which trigged by a interger number of 1
mach.addArc( p_s1 , p_s2 , 1 );
// 从这里开始
int data;
while( true ){
// 通过键盘输入状态转换命令
std::cout << "Input command: ";
std::cin >> data;
stm<std::string , int >::stStatus * f = nullptr, * e = nullptr;
bool isOK = false;
// 触发状态转换
mach.trigger( data , [&isOK , &f , &e ]( bool isTransOk , stm<std::string , int >::stStatus * from , stm<std::string, int >::stStatus * end ){
// do something before convert;
isOK = isTransOk;
f = from;
e = end;
// do something after convert;
std::cerr << "CURRENT STATUS: " << mach.getCurrent() << std::endl;
if( mach.isEnd( e ) == true ){
std::cerr << "the machine is finished" << std::endl;
}catch( std::bad_alloc& e ){
std::cerr << "Allocate memory fail" << std::endl;
ret = -1;
return ret;