PTRun is a simple web-based multiplayer game developed and driven as an educational project on Summer Camp for Computer Science (Poletni tabor računalništva 2021). Throughout the week the attendees have gained a lot of knowledge and implemented some amazing features. But the learning opportunities don't stop at the end of the summer camp and we hope everyone will use their new skills to grow and collaborate in the future.
It's core is written in Go, Node.js and using Protocol Buffers for simple and efficient communication.
Start here if you would like to get this project up and running on your local machine for development or testing purposes (or maybe just for fun).
Required tools to build and test:
After installing the tooling above you can build this game with the following steps:
Generating protobuf code
Generated protobuf
code is not stored in this repository so make sure to re-generate if there are any changes to the .proto
# Client
protoc --proto_path=messages --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./client/src messages/*.proto
# Server
protoc --proto_path=./messages --go_out=./ messages/*.proto
Build server
Navigate into ./server
and run the following commands:
go mod download
go build -o ../dist/ptrun-server ./cmd/ptrun-server/main.go
Build client
Navigate into ./client
and run the following commands:
npm install
npm build
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
We believe that the open source community is an amazing place to learn, inspire and create. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated! Just fork and open a Pull Request, simple as that.
Written by an enthusiastic team of programming prodigies: @spelag, @filips123, @mytja, @AljazekSLO, @1aljaz, @lukaheric, @LukaKraseuc, @BigGrogl, @LucijanSkof, @lstamac and @galpodlipnik1.
Special thanks goes to Šola prihodnosti Maribor (@tadejz), ZOTKS and our awesome team of mentors @jakakonda, @davidmohar, @duhecx & @aJuvan without whom this Summer Camp would not be possible.