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This project was born because I was curious on how to use the backend-for-frontend pattern to avoid using the web client to login directly to a OIDC auth server. The downside of managing the login from the web client is that we need to store the tokens on the browser, where an attacker could easily try and stole it.

The go-token-handler service implements the token-handler pattern to move the actual handling of the login to the OIDC auth server to the backend, by managing the JWT tokens internally and storing them on a database. The frontend web application will only receive a secure http-only session token, that go-token-handler will maintain associated to the respective JWT in the database.

The go-token-handler service also provides a proxy to access all the other backend services that the web client application needs to reach. When the web client needs to send a request to a specific backend service, it will call the corresponding proxy endpoint configured on go-token-handler. Then go-token-handler will use the session cookie to get the JWT access-token and inject it into the request headers.

The token-handler will take care of maintaining the access-tokens by renewing them, and also of cleaning the expired sessions in the database.

Ensure the session cookie is secure

  1. Use HTTPS to encrypt the communication between the client application and the server. This ensures that the access token is transmitted securely over the network and cannot be intercepted by third parties.
  2. Set the Secure flag on the cookie, which ensures that the cookie is only transmitted over HTTPS. This prevents the cookie from being transmitted over an insecure HTTP connection.
  3. Set the HttpOnly flag on the cookie, which ensures that the cookie cannot be accessed by client-side scripts, such as JavaScript. This helps to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, where an attacker injects malicious scripts into a web page and steals the user's access token.
  4. Set a short expiration time for the cookie. This ensures that the cookie will only be valid for a limited time, educing the risk of the access token being compromised if the cookie is stolen.


Login workflow

Access to a secured resource using the proxy


The token-handler sefvices can be configured using command line parameters, or environment variables, here follows the list of accepted parameters:

Command line Environment variable Description
--cookie_domain COOKIE_DOMAIN the domain for the session cookie (default "localhost")
--cookie_name COOKIE_NAME the name of the session cookie (default "session")
--db_host DB_HOST the database server hostname or ip address
--db_name DB_HOST the database name
--db_password DB_PASSWORD the password to use to connect the database
--db_type DB_TYPE the database backend used (postgresql, sqlite) (default "sqlite")
--db_username DB_USERNAME the username to use to connect the database
--is_production IS_PRODUCTION if set, configures token-handler for a production environment
--listen_addr LISTEN_ADDR define the address where token-handler will listen on (default ":9080")
--log_level LOG_LEVEL set the logging level (default info)
--oidc_client_id OIDC_CLIENT_ID the oidc auth server client-id
--oidc_client_secret OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET the oidc auth server client-secret
--oidc_issuer OIDC_ISSUER the url of the oidc auth server issuer
--oidc_post_login_redirect_url OIDC_POST_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL where to redirect the client after a valid login
--oidc_post_logout_redirect_url OIDC_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL where to redirect the client after a logout
--oidc_redirect_url OIDC_REDIRECT_URL the endpoint where to mount the oidc auth callback
--proxy_config PROXY_CONFIG the path to the proxy configuration file
--session_auth_secret SESSION_AUTH_SECRET the authentication key for the session cookie (default "my-secret-key-CHANGE-ME-IN-PROD!")
--session_db_key SESSION_DB_KEY the encryption key for the session db storage
--session_enc_secret SESSION_ENC_SECRET the encryption key for the session cookie
--session_old_auth_secret SESSION_OLD_AUTH_SECRET the old authentication key for the session cookie, used for the secret rotation
--session_old_db_key SESSION_DB_KEY the old encryption key for the session db storage, used for the secret rotation
--session_old_enc_secret SESSION_OLD_ENC_SECRET the old encryption key for the session cookie, used for the secret rotation

Note: to ensure the security of the session cookie, you MUST specify a value for SESSION_AUTH_SECRET, the default value is NOT secure!


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