5 different crosswords generated by CWG
yarn dev
import CWG from 'cwg'
const words = [
const result = CWG(words) // then you can draw the crossword by this result
// console.log(result)
height: 2, // height of the matrix
width: 3, // width of the matrix
positionObjArr: [ // position of each input word, as input's order
wordStr: 'do', // string of word
xNum: 1, // begin position x
yNum: 0, // begin position y
isHorizon: false // horizontal or vertical
wordStr: 'not',
xNum: 0,
yNum: 1,
isHorizon: true
ownerMap: [ // matrix of the crossword
empty, // [0, 0]
{ // [0, 1]
letter: 'd', // letter of this position
vertical: 0 // which word this letter belongs to. in this case, it's 0th: 'do'
empty // [0, 2]
{ letter: "n", horizontal: 1 }, // [1, 0]
{ letter: "o", vertical: 0, horizontal: 1 }, // letter of [1, 1] belongs to both words
{ letter: "t", horizontal: 1 } // [1, 2]
- handle no-result words
- do not sort the input array at the beginning