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NeuralXC Overview

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This repository stores the references relevant to [Toward-the-Exact-Exchange–Correlation-Potential]

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Repository structure

  • Journals like [2021-03-04] is used for house-keeping.
  • Action items can be found at [todo] (maintenance stuff, non-academic).
  • [inbox] stores unfiltered unorganized raw information/references, which will later on be organized and put into corresponding references.

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Alphafold 2 and Equivariance

References for neural XC

Name Authors Dataset Model Translation invariance URL Code Library Year Status Journals Is-Survey
Machine learning accurate exchange and correlation functionals of the electronic density
MOB-ML24 and MB-Pol9–11, sGDML23 BPNN Symmetrizer paper neuralxc Pytorch, TF 2020 No
Learning the exchange-correlation functional from nature with fully differentiable density functional theory
NIST CCCBDB paper xitorch Pytorch 2021 No
Accurate and transferable multitask prediction of chemical properties with an atoms-in-molecules neural network
ANI-1x, Comp6 MLP Embedding? paper aimnet Pytorch 2019 No
Less is more: sampling chemical space with active learning
ANI-1, ANI-1x, Comp6 Active learning arxiv ani-tools comp6 No
Completing density functional theory by machine learning hidden messages from molecules
Nagai et al MLP nature nnfunctional Pytorch 2020/2019 No
Neural-network Kohn-Sham exchange-correlation potential and its out-of-training transferability
Nagai et al arxiv 2018 No
Toward the Exact Exchange–Correlation Potential: A Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Construct
3D CNN regularization term (loss) jpcl N/A 2019 No
Kohn-Sham Equations as Regularizer: Building Prior Knowledge into Machine-Learned Physics
Li Li et al Global Convolution paper supp jax-dft Jax 2020 No
Learning to Approximate Density Functionals
Li Li et al paper 2021 No
Machine learning for the solution of the Schrödinger equation
paper N/A 2021 Yes


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