Vijos is the website I used to practice for NOIP. And this repository contains C/C++ solution of the problems.
Use<problem number>
to access the problem context.
i.e. for problem 1001
Problem Number | Title | Status |
1001 | 谁拿了最多奖学金 | ac |
1097 | 合并果子 | ac |
1123 | 均分纸牌 | ac |
1217 | 乒乓球 | ac |
1304 | 回文数 | ac |
1335 | 数独验证 | ac |
1409 | 纪念品分组 | ac |
1449 | 字符串还原 | ac |
1484 | ISBN号码 | ac |
1691 | 输油管道问题 | ac |
1696 | 数与连分数 | ac |
1772 | 巧妙填数 | ac |
1848 | 记数问题 | ac |
1911 | 珠心算测验 | ac |
Usage: vijos <problem number>
@echo off
set /a n=%1