This repository comprises the code for data pipelines and model training in a machine learning project. The system is designed to ingest data, perform data transformation and feature engineering, train a model, and evaluate the model's performance.
The system architecture is structured as follows:
Data Ingestion: Data is ingested from a source (e.g., database, CSV file) and loaded into a data pipeline.
Data Transformation: The data undergoes transformation into a format suitable for model training. This may involve tasks such as cleaning, normalization, and scaling.
Feature Engineering: Features are extracted from the data to be utilized in training the model.
Model Training: The data is used to train a machine learning model. The specific model architecture employed depends on the task.
Model Evaluation: The trained model is evaluated on a test dataset to assess its performance.
The pipelines are designed to be modular and scalable.
The models are implemented using Sci-kit Learn. The specific model architecture will vary based on the task.
The models are evaluated using accuracy.
To initiate this project, follow these steps:
- Install the required dependencies.
- Configure the pipelines and models.
- Run the pipelines to train and evaluate the models.
The following dependencies are necessary to run this project:
- numpy
- pandas
- python-dotenv
- mysql-connector-python
- pymysql
- scikit-learn
- seaborn
- catboost
- xgboost
- Flask
- dill
- mlflow
Execute the pipelines using the following commands:
I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.