gabo's collection of personal
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used for GNU/Linux systems
Some bash scripts to solve my personal needs, maybe you find something useful for you!
brightness control
- xrandr wrapper to handle brightness
: set brightness by exact percentage value, or by increasing/decreasing the current one;
- xrandr
- dunst (+ dunstify)
- grep
- cut
- tset
- tprogbar
volume control
Alsa wrapper to handle volume
: set volume by exact percentage value, or by increasing/decreasing the current one;
- amixer
- dunst (+ dunstify)
- tset
- tprogbar
variable setter
- Little script that handles global variables
- Let's you set, increase and decrease a variable (good for keybinds)
- Used on vctrl and bctrl
can be used with the following options:
: set value for variable in exact percentage value (0 to 100), or by increasing/decreasing the current one; -
: get value from specified variable
Set specific value:
varset -s battery-progress 20
Increase in a specific amount:
varset -s battery-progress 5+
Get current value:
varset -g battery-progress # 25
- current
value is stored on /etc/<variable>
password menu
- dmenu wrapper to copy password to clipboard
- pass
- dmenu
terminal launch
- Allows you to launch a command (or a series of it) in a new terminal window
- Good for keybinds! Use it to call specific commands in a new window
: get value from specified variable
tl 'sudo apt update; apt list --upgradable'
Edit Makefile to match where to install the script collection (installed into the /usr/bin namespace by default).
Afterwards, enter the following command to install all the scripts (if necessary as root):
make install
Or if you want to install an specific script, you can run:
make tl # if you want to install tl for example
To uninstall all scripts you can run:
make uninstall
- implement media control
- gbgabo/dotfiles: current dotfiles used in my system;
- TinyTools: other cool scripts I write and use;
- gbgabo/dwm: own fork of dwm, including many useful patches and own color theme;
- gbgabo/dmenu: dmenu fork with center patch and own color theme;