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BLIB - Backup LIBrary

Q/ I have a tape robot library with barcode scanner, a UNIX backup utility,tar, cpio,vxdump,vdump,dump etc but no other software how do I keep track of backups?


blib will

  • record backup events against a label with an expiration time
  • manage the state of labels FREE or ALLOCATED a simple session would look like

blib /add=TST123 /MEDIA=TZ89 export BLIB_BCK_ID=0; export BLIB_VOLUME='TST123'; export BLIB_STATE=FREE; export BLIB_MEDIA='TZ89'; export BLIB_USAGE=0; export BLIB_GROUP='NODE'; export BLIB_LOCATION='UNKNOWN'; export BLIB_LIBRARYDATE=25-Aug-2014:14:48:06.65; export BLIB_OFFSITEDATE=NotSet; export BLIB_CHANGEDATE=25-Aug-2014:14:48:06.65; export BLIB_RECORDDATE=NotSet; export BLIB_EXPIREDATE=NotSet; export BLIB_DESC='';

blib /newbackup /desc="test simple" /expire=26-Aug-2014 /record=25-aug-2014 BLIB_BCKID='1408942216'

blib /startbackup="/usr" /record=$( caltime 0 ) /bck_id=1408942216 /label=TST123 export BLIB_VOLID=1;

blib /endbackup="/usr" /bck_id=1408942216 /objinstance=1 /label="TST123" /end=$( caltime 0) /size=1748

blib /finishbackup /bck_id=1408942216

blib /listbackups=1408942216

bck_id Start End Expire Description 1408942216 25-Aug-2014:00:00:00.00 25-Aug-2014:14:53:11.00 26-Aug-2014:00:00:00.00 test simple

Volume #Files #use Group Location Media State Offsite


  • End of Report *

blib /reportbackup=1408942216 +----------------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+---------------+------------+----+ | 1408942216 25-Aug-2014 Backup report of NODE:"test simple" | | | +----------------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+---------------+------------+----+ | Pathname | Barcode:file#| Start-End Time | Seconds| Bytes | MBytes | GBytes |Errs| +----------------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+---------------+------------+----+ | /usr | TST123:0 | 25-Aug-2014:14:51:57-25-Aug-2014:14:53:11| 74| 1748 | 0.0017 | 0.0000 | | +----------------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+---------------+------------+----+ | Totals | | | 74| 1748 | 0.0017 | 0.0000 | | +----------------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+---------------+------------+----+ +----------------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+---------------+------------+----+ | Tape Summary | TST123 | | 73| 1748 | 0.0017 | 0.0000 | | +----------------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+---------------+------------+----+ +----------------------------+--------------+------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+---------------+------------+----+

blib /help /help - This help text /env - Display environment in effect /add="label" - Add a new volume name to database /display="label" - Display existing volume and any fsets /modify="label" - Modify an existing volume /remove="label" - Remove and existing volume and any fsets from database /reportfree[=0-2147483647] - Report free volumes for compatibility /reportexpired[=0-2147483647] - Report expired volumes for compatibility /runexpiration[=0-2147483647] - free up all or up too n expired tapes /report - Report all or filtered list of volumes in database /replaylog="filename" - Replay log file [/new to begin a new database] /newbackup - Establish a new backup and return its bck_id /startbackup="objname" - start backup of object on a given /label= /change_volume="objname" - close current volume of object start new on /label= /endbackup="objname" - finish backup of object /errbackup="objname" - report an error during backup against /errbackup= /bck_id= /label= /finishbackup - finish a backup id (verify and summary updates) /removebackup=0-9223372036854775807 - Remove all data refering to backup id given /modifybackup=0-9223372036854775807 - Modify backup info for given bck_id /reportbackup[=0-9223372036854775807] - report backup info for given bck_id /listbackups[=0-9223372036854775807] - list all backups or given backupid or for a given /label= /listobjects[="objname"] - list all backups for all backups or a given object name /verify - Verify internal conistancy of database tables /errcount=0-9223372036854775807 - Return BLIB_ERRCOUNT for a given backup id /new - only valid for /import /since=dd-Mmm-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC - with /replaylog /since=ctime:n[.n] to replay log since n /until=dd-Mmm-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC - with /replaylog /until=ctime:n[.n] to replay log since n /log[="/usr/local/etc/dat/blib/blib_node.log"] - log command to optional log file def: BLIB_LOG /nolog - Do NOT log this command to BLIB_LOG /state=ALLOCATED|FREE - Volume state Free or Allocated /media="TZ89" - media type def: TZ89... /usage[=0-2147483647] - Increment/Set usage counter /group="CENTS7" - The Backup group this volume belongs too MYBLIB_GROUP /location="location" - where is it /database="/usr/local/etc/dat/blib/blib_CENTS7.sqlite3" - name of the database BLIBDBS /record=dd-Mmm-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC - start time /end=dd-Mmm-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC - end time /libdate=dd-Mmm-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC - date volume was added to library normally calculated /offsite=dd-Mmm-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC - suggested Date the tape should be offsite by /expire=dd-Mmm-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC - Date the backup id will expire and return volumes to /state=FREE /size=0-9223372036854775807 - Bytes to record /desc="desc" - Description of the backup or error /node="ZED" - name of node the backup was recorded on /objinstance=0-2147483647 - BLIB_OBJINSTANCE returned by /startbackup usually 1 /bck_id=0-9223372036854775807 - bck_id that we intend working on /label="label" - Volume label to be used /html - output in html rather than plain text /stylesheet="/usr/local/etc/dat/blib/fmtbckrep.stylesheet" - stylesheet to include for /html output /mail="string" - email backup report to address /output="filename" - output result to file /includelog="filename" - include log file in output

When using command /report results can be filtered by most of the volume qualifiers eg. /state=FREE comparisons other than equal are allowed to simplify keyboard input , can be used for < and . for > otherwise < and > need to be escaped from the shell using them as input/output redireciton NOTE is the symbol ! ie NOT equal /state!=FREE for state not equal to free this can also be just /state!FREE Less Than , or < /expire,$( caltime 0) or "/expire<$(caltime 0)" Less than or Equal ,= or <= Equal = or == Not Equal != Greater Than or equal .= or >= Greater than . or > Optional ?= or =? valid only for /includelogs will optional include the file only when errors are found in the backup beging reported Times maybe entered as absolute ctime values using the format /qual=ctime:1408941961.983657


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