Utilizing the Node JS Inquirer Library we can generate a readMe.md using prompted questions from the computer terminal. YouTube Walkthrough Video
Node JS needs to be installed on your computer.
In order to install the necessary dependencies, open the console/terminal, and get inside project folder. Verify that The file folder contains the package.json file. The file lets the initail installation know what additional/necessary libraies are needed to fun the program. Instal with the following comand:
npm install
If the package.json file isn't availbe then verify that you have Node JS on your computer byt checking for the node version with the command:
node -v
The response should be or simmilar:
From the project folder location us the command:
npm init -y
This will create the package.json file. Check the declared required files and install the acccordingly. For Example"
If a required library is mentions in the JS file simply us the command:
npm install inquirer
Once your libraries are installed you can run the file with the command:
node index.js
Once the file has been run through Terminal the user will be prompted to ask some information about the project to build ou the project.
const questions = () =>
type: "input",
name: "author",
message: "What is the author's name?"
type: "input",
name: "username",
message: "What is your GitHub username?"
I used a template to fill in the informations I needed for the page badges.
let badge = "";
if(data.license == "MIT"){
badge = "![License](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=License&message=MIT&color=blueviolet&style=plastic)"
}else if (data.license == "APACHE 2.0"){
badge = "![License](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=License&message=APACHE2.0&color=blueviolet&style=plastic)"
}else if (data.license == "GPL 3.0"){
badge = "![License](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=License&message=GPL3.0&color=blueviolet&style=plastic)"
}else if (data.license == "BSD 3"){
badge = "![License](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=License&message=BSD3&color=blueviolet&style=plastic)"
You can find my project repository Here
This project is licensed under: MIT
There are no contributions at this time
In order to test open the console and run the following:
there are no tests at this time
If you have any questions contact me on GitHub or contact Gloria Varela at varela_gloria@yahoo.com