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Note: The documentation in this repository is formatted using the fossil-scm wiki formatting rules which happens to be very close to a subset of the wikimedia format. Where there are incompatibilities I go with fossil. If you're reading this on Github, links may not work properly.

Welcome to Fossilizer

Fossilizer is a simple fossil-scm hosting application. It's designed to facilitate the hosting of multiple fossil repositories with a web-interface. If you're not familiar with fossil and how it works this is not for you.

More Information

This project is self-hosted on the Secution, Inc. fossil server at The repository is open, meaning that anyone can join and you don't need to log in to clone, checkout or browse the file tree.

Note if you're reading this on github

Git is not my SCM/VCS/CVS/RCS/* of choice (that should not be a surprise). I use github to make code more accessible to a wider audience. This project was started in fossil and the idea of bringing it to github was a far after thought. As a result, the history of the project was not imported into git. All of the history can be seen by cloning from the fossil repository (fossil clone fossilizer.fossil ; fossil open fossilizer.fossil) which is primary and the github repository is secondary (but they should be kept in sync for the most part).


Fossilizer is licensed under a 2-Clause BSD license. Any contributions must be made under a compatible license for packaging and redistribution with fossilizer.


  *  [./LICENSE|License and Copyright] 
  *  [./doc/|requirements] 
  *  [./doc/|installation] 
  *  [./doc/|webservers] 
  *  [./doc/|todo] 


web2py application for multiple self-hosted fossil-scm projects/repositories







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