A skiplist based lock-free priority queue implementation minimizing the amount of coherence traffic. Adapted from an implementation of Keir Fraser's skiplist (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/techreports/UCAM-CL-TR-579.pdf).
For more information about the priority queue, see http://user.it.uu.se/~jonli208/priorityqueue.
make perf_meas
Run the benchmark application as:
./perf_meas -n 8 -t 27 -o 64
This will start a benchmark run with 8 threads, uniformly distributed keys, initial queue length of 2^15 elements, the offset parameter of the algorithm will be set to 64, and random operation (deletemin, insert).
./perf_meas -h
for more information about the available parameters.
A SPIN model is included, with linearizability checks of the operations. The -O flag has to be used (if SPIN version >= 6), the model is using the old scope rules.