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This supporting add-on provides one command -- matched. It is built on the Splunk SDK.

Available at:


Version: 1.1

Command reference:



The matched command finds which terms exist in a field of text from a field or csv list of terms. Unless you specify a different field, matched results are based on the contents of the _raw field.

The result of the matched command appends a new field to each event. You can specify what to name the field with the labelfield parameter, which defaults to searchTermsMatched. Either csv or search_terms_field parameter is required. search_terms_field must be a comma separated list of terms.

Command was created because of need identified in Splunk Answers 33662 - Identfying the Search Terms Matched.


matched csv=<filename.csv>|search_terms_field=<field> [labelfield=<field>] [fieldname=<field>] [<field-list>]

###Required arguments

Syntax: csv=<path> OR search_terms_field=<field>
Description: Specify a CSV filename including the complete path. Alternatively specify a field with a comma separated list of terms to search through.
Usage: For the csv option, if the CSV file is in an appropriate directory then merely specifying the filename.csv is sufficient, otherwise entire path will need to be entered: /home/user/filename.csv

###Optional arguments

Syntax: <field> ...
Description: The field used to search against for term matches.
Default: _raw

Syntax: <string> ...
Description: The field inside the CSV file that will be used to search against for term matches (requires the csv option).

Syntax: labelfield=<field>
Description: Name of the field to write the matched search terms to.
Default: searchTermsMatched


###1: Using a lookup to free form search then find out what matched

* [|inputlookup ransomware_variants|rename variant as search|format]|table _time _raw|matched csv="/opt/splunk/etc/system/lookups/ransomware_variants.csv"

###2: Using a previous outputcsv search to look for recurring users with failed logons from lastime report ran

EventCode=4625 | stats values(src) as src count as user_count by user,host,src_ip | matched csv="/opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/csv/previousFailedLogons.csv" textfield=user labelfield=recurFromLastReport csvfield=user


Support will be provided through Splunkbase

Release Notes

Fixed issue with textfield option not working properly. Added config to support syntax highlighting on version 6.5


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