Automatic code generation for pybind11.
Pybind11 is a powerful library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa,
This generator will be generate c++ code for pybind11, and make it easy to write a python module using c++.
pip install cppygen
After installing cppygen, you can use cppygen
cppygen --config_file /path/to/cppygenconfig.toml --cwd /path/to/cwd [--verbose] [--include_directories INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES] [--flags FLAGS]
This command will load config file, and parse C++ code and generate C++ pybind11 Code.
After generating the code. Include the generated header to your program and just write in pybind11 manner. Be sure to link the generated cpp code.
PYBIND11_MODULE(pyshell, m) {
Use add_custom_command
to auto generate.
set(cppygen_generated_hpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cppygen_generated.hpp)
set(cppygen_generated_cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cppygen_generated.cpp)
find_program(_CPPYGEN_GENERATOR cppygen)
OUTPUT ${cppygen_generated_hpp} ${cppygen_generated_cpp}
--config_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cppygenconfig.toml #
"Generating CPPyGen Code To ${cppygen_generated_hpp} and ${cppygen_generated_cpp}"
command does not work without configuration.
Use toml format configuration file.
mode ["header" or "source"] cppygen parse strategy. "source" would parse source files for functions, "header" would parse headers for functions. This option would only affect function export. "header" would be faster.
sources [array of path, required(if soruce mode is on)]
Paths with cppygen
will parse. cppygen
can extract functions from
headers [array of path, required]
Paths with cppygen
will parse.cppygen
can extract structs or classes from
diagnostic [boolean] Default is "True". An option for outputting diagnostics and detecting errors during parsing.
output_dir [path, required] Output directory of generated code.
search_namespace [string, optional]
Default is "cppygen", this option will define the namespace witch
will be parsed by cppygen
. Outside of this namespace would be ignored.
include_directories [array of dir, optional]
These directories will be passed as absolute paths to parser include flags.
Same as flags =["-I/abs_path/to/dir"]
flags [array of string, optional] Parser compile options.
libclang_path [path, optional]
Path to libclang
shared library.
call_guards [array of string, optional] Add call_guard to exported function and member function, this option is useful when you want to add some call_guard to all C++ function.
include_headers [array of filename, optional]
deprecated cppygen
does not resolve include paths, thus if you want to export C++
classes you should specify include filenames.
See the examples
directry for sample projects.
namespace cppygen {
* pyname: py_foo
* description: some description
void foo() {
This function will export to python as "py_foo".
would be python docstring.
CPPYGEN_LIBCLANG_PATH # Path to clang shared library. (e.g. /usr/lib/llvm-15/lib/
CPPYGEN_COMPILE_FLAGS # additional flags to parse file