The graph looks like a couple of friends connected to each other:
| id| name|fraud|
| a| Alice| 1|
| b| Bob| 0|
| f| Fanny| 0|
| g| Gabby| 0|
| h|Fraudster| 1|
and two different types of edges
| a| b| call|
| b| c| sms|
| a| h| call|
| f| h| call|
Calculate the fraud percentage score for each friend in the social network as the mean of all interactions.
- differenciate by type of interaction
- differenciate by ingoing / outgoing interaction
- weight interactions furhter away i.e. of friends of friends with a smaller weight
In neo4j cyper it could look a bit similar to:
MATCH (a)-->(b)
WHERE b.fraud = 1
RETURN (count() / ( MATCH (a) -->(b) RETURN count() ) * 100)
- learn pregel
- learn aggregate messages operator :)