Helm charts for Boomerang-io projects ready to launch on Kubernetes using Helm.
All our charts are Helm v3 charts.
The containers are available on DockerHub
- Boomerang Bosun
- Boomerang Flow
- Boomerang oauth2-proxy (forked from oauth2-proxy)
- Boomerang Common (library chart for common template functions)
- Kubernetes 1.13+
- Helm v3
Plus any additional dependencies by chart. For example Boomerang Flow depends on MongoDB. Please read the individual charts READMEs.
If you are kubernetes cluster uses ClusterImagePolicy or ImagePolicy you may need to add docker.io/boomerangio/*:*
to your policies to be able to retrieve the images.
To quickly get started, install into a kubernetes cluster of 1.13+ via Helm using the following commands
Step 1
Ensure you have a docker registry secret in your namespace for access to github packages. Follow the instructions here to get the github token.
kubectl create secret docker-registry boomerang.registrykey --docker-server=docker.pkg.github.com --docker-username=<github_username> --docker-password=<github_token> --docker-email=<github_email> --namespace=<namespace>
Step 2
Add the helm repository
helm repo add boomerang-io https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boomerang-io/charts/index
Step 3
Install or upgrade the helm chart using the relevant helm commands and passing in any properties
helm install --namespace <namespace> --set database.mongodb.host=<service_name> --set database.mongodb.secretName=<mongodb_secret> boomerang-io/bmrg-bosun
Or Manually
Extract the values.yaml from the helm chart and update the values in detail
helm inspect values boomerang-io/bmrg-bosun > bmrg-bosun-values.yaml
vi bmrg-bosun-values.yaml
helm install --namespace <namespace> -f bmrg-bosun-values.yaml boomerang-io/bmrg-bosun
This helm repository services dual purposes as both the source control of the raw charts, and also the helm repository.
The helm repository uses the tgz files from the repositories Releases but also the index.yaml in the index
branch. This branch is protected and only used by the CICD system.
The CICD for this repository is currently using an instance of Boomerang CICD inside of IBM. This automation will package the charts and push them back to this repository as mentioned in the repositroy structure above.