I have multiple shared gmail accounts that I just want notification if there are unread messages. I made this package to check these accounts and notify me if there are unread messages. This is by no means user-friendly, well-organized, or ready for anyone to use. If you're browsing, feel free to make suggestions.
- An OSX System Tray icon which changes if there are unread messages
- checkgmail.py scrapes gmail atom feed
- readgmail.py reads a configuration file "accounts"
As many of the following as you want in a file called "accounts" in the current working directory:
username = user_here
password = pw_here
- Organize modules
- Create notification system
- Notifications which tell you which account has unread messages
- Port to other operating systems
- UI for adding-removing accounts
- Anything that makes it cool, really.
Just a few notes about modules that might not be default.
- checkgmail.py readmail method requires feedparser
- osxqt4.py requires pyqt4
- iconwx/iconwx2 are just copy-pasted demos of pythonwx I haven't tried yet