The goals of this project are:
- small size - the minified version is only 849 bytes
- readability - the unminified code should be relatively easy to understand/review
Input must be an ASCII string - if character codes outside the range 0-255 are received, undefined
is returned.
The code (sha256.js
or sha256.min.js
) defines the sha256(string)
function, which returns the hexadecimal-encoded SHA-256 hash of the input string.
AMD is also supported - use index.js
If you're on Node, you should probably use the version from the built-in crypto
However, it is made available as a CommonJS module, including the source code for the minified version:
var sha256 = require('tiny-sha256');
var jsCode = sha256.code + 'alert(sha256("hello!"));';
This library is released as "public domain". You can copy, modify, re-release and re-license, or incorporate into any other project without restriction of any kind.