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Beamer Theme Cuerna

Beamer theme "Cuerna", version 1.1

Copyright (C) Geri Ochoa (2016)


web site:


  • textpos
  • tikz
  • xcolor
  • lmodern
  • amssymb
  • graphicx

Use template.tex as template for a new presentation.

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008/05/04 or later.


The package is available on the CTAN repositories, so the easiest way to install it on TexLive (as far as I know this should work on MacTeX too) is to update the list of available packages running this command:

   sudo tlmgr update --list 

and install beamertheme-cuerna with the following command:

   sudo tlmgr install beamertheme-cuerna

Another method is to download the file beamertheme-cuerna.tar.xz from this repository, open a terminal and run

   sudo tlmgr install --file beamertheme-cuerna.tar.xz 

That will place the files in the right folders and make the theme available system-wide.

Note: The aforementioned commands assume that you have installed TeXLive from their official website. If you used your distribution package manager or any other source those commands might not work.

If you prefer to use your local texfm directory you can find the source *.sty files in beamertheme-cuerna/tex/latex/beamertheme-cuerna/


After installing the package, download template.tex and the pictures folder, place them in the same directory, open template.tex in your favorite LaTeX editor and compile it. The code there is standard for any Beamer document.

For the sake of completeness of this README file, the snippet below provides a very basic example:



\title{A rather long title without specific meaning}
\author{Geri Ochoa\\

\date{Important Congress 2016}
\institute{Institute of Mathematics, Great University}



    \frametitle{Title of the slide}
    Some text on top of this slide
    \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{5x^2}{\sqrt{a+b}}\, dx
    \item[\checkmark] Fist item in the list
    \item Second item
    \item Another item
    \item And finally, the last item


The output will be different depending on the parameter passed to \usecolortheme:

  • default


  • bluesimplex


  • lettuce


  • brick
