Pluralize and singularize any word
The go-pluralize module is the Golang adaptation of the great work from Blake Embrey and other contributors who created and maintain the NPM JavaScript pluralize package. The originating Javascript implementation can be found on
Without their great work this module would have taken a lot more effort, thank you all!
The latest go-pluralize version is compatible with pluralize version 8.0.0 commit #36f03cd
go-pluralize version | NPM Pluralize Package version |
0.2.0 - Jan 25, 2022 v0.2.0 | 8.0.0 - Oct 6, 2021 #36f03cd |
0.1.7 - Jun 23, 2020 v0.1.7 | 8.0.0 - Mar 14, 2020 #e507706 |
0.1.2 - Apr 1, 2020 v0.1.2 | 8.0.0 - Mar 14, 2020 #e507706 |
0.1.1 - Sep 15, 2019 v0.1.1 | 8.0.0 - Aug 27, 2019 #abb3991 |
0.1.0 - Jun 12, 2019 v0.1.0 | 8.0.0 - May 24, 2019 #0265e4d |
To install the go module:
go get -u
To lock down a specific the version:
go get -u
Download the sources and binaries from the latest release
import pluralize ""
word := "Empire"
pluralize := pluralize.NewClient()
fmt.Printf("IsPlural(%s) => %t\n", input, pluralize.IsPlural(word))
fmt.Printf("IsSingular(%s) => %t\n", input, pluralize.IsSingular(word))
fmt.Printf("Plural(%s) => %s\n", input, pluralize.Plural(word))
fmt.Printf("Singular(%s) => %s\n", input, pluralize.Singular(word))
IsPlural(Empire) => false
IsSingular(Empire) => true
Plural(Empire) => Empires
Singular(Empire) => Empire
go get -x
pluralize -help
Usage of ./bin/pluralize:
-cmd string
command [All|IsPlural|IsSingular|Plural|Singular] (default "All")
display version info
-word string
input value
pluralize -word Empire
IsPlural(Empire) => false
IsSingular(Empire) => true
Plural(Empire) => Empires
Singular(Empire) => Empire
pluralize -word Cactus -cmd IsPlural
IsPlural(Cactus) => false
pluralize -word Cacti -cmd IsSingular
IsSingular(Cacti) => false
pluralize -word Cactus -cmd Plural
Plural(Cactus) => Cacti
pluralize -word Cacti -cmd Singular
Singular(Cacti) => Cactus