This package wraps the binary distribution of lilypond, allowing to install and use lilypond from python
Notice that this package installs lilypond from the releases provided by the lilypond team. It does not conflict with any user-installed lilypond version, since it places lilypond at an ad-hoc place, without modifying the PATH or any other part of the environment.
At the moment these platforms are supported: linux-x86_64, windows-x86_64, darwin-x86_64 and darwin-arm64. Support for macos (darwin) arm64 is only with an unstable version (2.25), but tests show that this version works correctly with macos >= 13
The first time it is asked for the path of the lilypond binary, lilyponddist will download the given version (or the latest version if no version is specified) and the user can call that binary as if it was any regular installation of lilypond. Any subsequent call will use the already installed version.
lilyponddist follows the release process of lilypond closely and any new binary release is incorporated
to the registry of downloads. Updating lilyponddist through pip will make these updates available via
the update
pip install lilyponddist
import lilyponddist
import subprocess[lilyponddist.lilypondbin(), '/path/to/', '--pdf', '-o', '/path/to/output'])
### lilypondbin(version='')
### update()
Update the current lilypond installation if possible
### can_update()
Checks if an update is available. This functions will return the latest version to update to, or None if there are no updates available
# The current version can be checked via
. This returns the version of the # lilypond distribution installed vialilyponddist
. There is never an attempt to interact with # a user installed lilypond lilyponddist.lilypond_version()# All available versions can be queried via lilyponddist.avaialable_versions()
# Installed versions can be queried via lilyponddist.installed_versions()