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Welcome to the GeNYG project! GeNYG is a generator made with Yeoman by Getapper for scaffolding, development, testing and deployment of applications in NextJS.


yo g-next:app

Execute npx create-next-app@latest with support for NPM, TypeScript in the current directory (so you should first create a repo, clone locally, and run this command inside this repo).

yo g-next:aws-scheduler

dependencies: pkg-core.
Thanks to this command is possible to create a new aws scheduler and select as a target an api destination, in particular:

-It should add a new destination role if none existing or if the user wants to create a new one

-It should add a new scheduler role if none existing or if the user wants to create a new one

-It should add a new connection if none existing or if the user wants to create a new one

-It should create a new event bus if none existing or if the user wants to create a new one

-It should create a target for the selected api destination

-It should add in the endpoint folder all the necessary files in order to manage the ajax calls

-It should create a new scheduler and a new rule with the invocation rate selected

yo g-next:aws-update-schedule

dependencies: pkg-core.
It updates the status or the invocation Rate of a specified scheduler

yo g-next:aws-delete-scheduler

dependencies: pkg-core.
It deletes a specified scheduler and also all the rules and apiDestinations linked to him.

yo g-next:pkg-core

Thanks to this package you will get basic linting support with eslint + prettier and initialize GeNYG configuration.
This will:

  • install all basic packages for code linting and styling (by fixing the eslint plugin used by default by Next and installing prettier).
  • add husky and lint-staged in order to clean the code before committing to the repo.
  • add the AppHead component
  • add the GeNYG config file .genyg.json

yo g-next:pkg-mui

dependencies: pkg-core

Thanks to this package you will be able to use MUI components, and to create forms based on MUI input fields plus react-hook-form library with yup validation support.
It will install all MUI related dependencies, that is:

  • MUI core
  • MUI icons
  • react-hook-form
  • yup validation support
  • _form basic components based on MUI and react-hook-form

yo g-next:pkg-spa

dependencies: pkg-core

Thanks to this package you will be able to add one or multiple Single Page Application to your app.
In particular it will install:

  • react-router-dom libs
  • redux libs plus plugins
  • axios for ajax support

yo g-next:pkg-translations

dependencies: pkg-core

It installs everything needed to handle translations with i18next, in particular:

  • ./translations folder with translations files types and contents for each locale
  • a next config file option to support i18n
  • 2 react hooks to initialize and use translations with react

yo g-next:model

dependencies: pkg-core

It creates a new model inside ./models/server, ./models/common or ./models/client folder, depending on the usage of the model, client if it is supposed to run in the frontend in React, server if it supposed to run in the backend with NodeJS, common for both.
Having different folders and files (even to represent the same entity) from backend and frontend avoids issues when loading browser-related code in the backend code, or file-system-related code in the frontend.

yo g-next:scene

dependencies: pkg-spa

It creates a new scene for the specified SPA.

yo g-next:pkg-mongodb

dependencies: pkg-core

  • It adds mongodb node dependency
  • It adds mongodb library files inside /lib
  • It adds mongo env vars to the env files

yo g-next:model-mongodb

dependencies: pkg-mongodb

  • It creates a new model inside ./models/server folder with the mongoDB model template

yo g-next:page

dependencies: pkg-core

It creates a new page inside NextJS project, inside /pages root folder or one of its subfolders.
It also allows specifying if the component is:

  • a normal page (eg. /news)
  • a dynamic page with a parameter (eg. /news/[newsId])
  • a dynamic page with multiple parameters (eg. /news/[[...parameters]])
    It also gives the possibility to specify the server rendering mode (SSG or SSR).

yo g-next:comp

dependencies: pkg-core

It creates a new component with a hook file. A subfolder of the components one can be selected as well.

yo g-next:ajax

dependencies: pkg-spa

It creates a new AJAX function for the specified SPA.

yo g-next:slice

dependencies: pkg-spa

It creates a new redux slice for the specified SPA.

yo g-next:form

dependencies: pkg-mui

It creates a new form component in the selected folder, with FormProvider and yup schema validation support.

yo g-next:api

dependencies: pkg-core

It creates a new API endpoint folder insider /endpoints, with interfaces, validations, tests and handler function.
It also connects this endpoint function to the Next ./api folder and its configuration files


yo g-next:pkg-core

  • Add sitemap.xml generation

yo g-next:model-mongodb

  • Add project to getList

yo g-next:task

  • It should create a new task.ts file in the tasks' folder, with the env files requires and a script in the package.json to run it.

yo g-next:spa

It should check if pkg-translations is installed.
In this case, BrowserRouter basename shouldn't be set to "/page-route", since it will not take in consideration the /:languageCode parameter in the URI.
So something like this:

  <BrowserRouter basename="/app">
      <Route path="/" element={<span />} />

should become like this:

      <Route path="/:languageCode/app/" element={<span />} />

Also, if pkg-translations is installed, the <App /> component should call the useInitializeTranslations(); hook, like:

// .....

const useAppHooks = () => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [dispatch]);

  return {

export default useAppHooks;

yo g-next:pkg-cognito

  • It should add all the backend library files inside the ./lib folder
  • It should add all fe and be dependencies to the package json
  • It should add all the required env vars to all env files

yo g-next:aws-scheduler-role