A map of national stereotypes.
The data is taken from Google's search suggestions, for queries such as "why are the french so".
The results are certainly not politically correct, and that's what makes it interesting and funny!
$ npm install --no-optional
$ node hook.js 8080 # start the server!
You are free to use the API, but please do not abuse it.
GET stereotypemap.info/api/{country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code}.json
GET stereotypemap.info/api/DE.json
You will get a JSON-formatted array of stereotypes associated with the country you chose.
If you install the (optional) npm package pg-promise
, data will be saved to a PostgreSQL database.
You must first create the tables (in the postgreSQL shell):
=> \i db/create.pgsql
You will need the file db.json
, which contains your database credentials:
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"database": "stereotypemap",
"user": "getkey",
"password": "yourpassword"
The map svg file is from amCharts, distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0.