A quiz app where you pass a .csv file with the problems and it will prompt them to the user with a limit time for each question. At the end it will give you the final score.
This was made as an introductory example program for go routines and channels.
To run the program follow the steps below:
git clone https://github.com/1063551/quizApp.git
cd quizApp/
To see the valid format of the arguments:
go run main.go -h
-csv string
valid format is [question], [answer] (default "problems.csv")
-timer int
seconds to answer each question (default 2)
And now run the program with your own problems.csv and the seconds limit for each question (in this case, 3):
go run main.go problems.csv 3
As long as the established format is followed, any kind of questions can be asked.
The format is as follows:
Here are some examples:
What color is the sky,Blue
What's 1 + 2,3
What year did the WWII end,1945