A javascript library for building xmlrpc and jsonrpc clients.
- Any browser with support for ECMAScript 6 including XMLHttpRequest and DOMParser (*) or
- NodeJS version v12.20.0 or v14.13.0 or later
(*) = according to caniuse.com, that includes at least: Chrome 61, Edge 16, Firefox 60, Opera 48, Safari 11, Chrome Android 108, Firefox for Android 107, Opera Mobile 72, Safari on iOS 11, Samsung Internet 8.2
include the following in the web page, within a <script type="module>
import {xmlrpc_client, xmlrpcmsg, xmlrpcval} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@jsxmlrpc/jsxmlrpc@0.6/lib/index.js';
npm install @jsxmlrpc/jsxmlrpc
Then, in your code, add:
import {xmlrpc_client, xmlrpcmsg, xmlrpcval} from '@jsxmlrpc/jsxmlrpc';
HTML documentation can be found in the doc/ directory. The manual (xmlrpc_js.xml) is "xml file with stylesheets" format: it can be viewed perfectly with a web browser.
A couple of sample files can be found in the demo/ directory.
Start a webserver for static assets which has its document root at the root of this package, eg:
npx http-server
php -S localhost:8081
Then point your browser at /debugger/debugger.html
, eg:
NB since the debugger runs in the browser, it is not allowed by default to make http requests to 3rd party servers (servers on a different domain than the debugger). In order for 3rd party servers to accept requests coming from the debugger, they have to be set up to accept CORS pre-flight requests.
Use of this software is subject to the terms in LICENSE.
Gaetano Giunta