At first scMCA is a breif R package for large scale data(large DGE) from scMCA online function Mouse Cell Atlas ,to alleviate burdens of our main Server.
Now we add a UI for visulizing the scMCA reuslt.
#This require devtools
# scMCA requires ggplot2/reshape2/plotly/shiny/shinythemes/shiny
# mca_lung is an example expression matrix from MCA project.
> data(mca_lung)
> dim(mca_lung)
[1] 2884 80
# 2884 genes expression value of 80 cells
# scMCA has two parameters , single cell expression matrix(scdata) and
# the number of most similar cell types
> mca_result <- scMCA(scdata = mca_lung, numbers_plot = 3)
The return of scMCA() is a list which contains 4 parts.
- cors_matrix: Pearson correlation coefficient matrix of each cell and cell type.
- top_cors: equals to numbers_plot
- scMCA: the most relevant cell type for each query cell
- scMCA_probility: the top n relevant cell types for each query cell
# open shiny for visualize result for scMCA
scMCA_vis() provides a bref function for visualizing and downloading of scMCA results