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GGX Chain node set-up

Detailed production setup can be found in Documentation Repository or Official Documentation Portal

For instant non-production deployment with docker-compose please follow steps in Docker Compose Documentation

WARNING: Information below this point is dedicated for developers only and can lag behind the resources mentioned above or be to far in the future.

1. Clone repo

To get started download this repository and navigate to ggxnode folder, e.g.:

git clone
cd ggxchain

2. Install dependencies

The following dependencies are required to build the node:


# Install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh 

# Install support software
sudo apt install build-essential protobuf-compiler libclang-dev

# Install wasm32-unknown-unknown target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
rustup component add rust-src


# Install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh 

# Install protoc
brew install protobuf


# If you have nix package manager, downloads all necessary dependencies
nix develop --impure

3. Build & Run

3.1 With Docker

Due to the highly CPU dependent nature of 'cargo build' command, it's strongly recommended that you have at least 8 core enabled for this method. It takes around 20 mins to complete with this suggested requirements, exponentially more if you use lesser processor power during the docker build operation.

From the repository's root directory execute following commands in order:

Sydney - our public testnet:

You have to create keys before running a validator node and store a backup of them. Make sure to check for requirements and documentation for running a Validator node.

docker build -f -t ggxchain-node:sydney .

mkdir -p data-sydney

docker run -d -it --restart=unless-stopped --ulimit nofile=100000:100000 \
    --name <INSERT_UNIQUE_NAME> \
    -p \
    -p \
    -p \
    -p \
    -v $(pwd)/custom-spec-files:/tmp \
    -v $(pwd)/data-sydney:/data-sydney \
    ggxchain-node:sydney \
    --wasm-execution Compiled \
    --database rocksdb \
    --rpc-cors all \
    --no-private-ip \
    --no-mdns \
    --state-pruning 256 \
    --blocks-pruning 256 \
    --node-key-type ed25519 \
    --node-key-file /data-sydney/node.key \
    --log info \
    --rpc-methods unsafe \
    --unsafe-rpc-external \
    --prometheus-external \
    --validator \
    --chain sydney \

Brooklyn - development network:

  • Add env variable
export ETH1_INFURA_API_KEY="your_infura_key"
  • Configure next toml files: eth-init.toml eth-relay.toml'
mkdir data-brooklyn

docker build -f Dockerfile.brooklyn -t ggxchain-node:brooklyn .

docker run \
    -it \
    --rm \
    --name ggx-local-node \
    -u $(id -g):$(id -u) \
    -p 30333:30333 \
    -v $(pwd)/custom-spec-files:/tmp \
    -v $(pwd)/data-brooklyn:/data-brooklyn \
    ggxchain-node:brooklyn \
    --base-path=/data-brooklyn \
    --chain brooklyn \
    --light-client-relay-config-path eth-relay.toml \
    --light-client-init-pallet-config-path eth-init.toml

Following optional flags are availabe:

Flags Description
--validator Starts the node with the authority role and enables it to actively
participate in any consensus task that it can (for example, depending on
availability of local keys).
--rpc-external Listens to all RPC interfaces. By default, the node only listens to
local RPC calls. If you set this command-line option, keep in mind that
that not all RPC methods are safe to be exposed publicly. Use an RPC
proxy server to filter out dangerous methods. For more information about
RPC methods that shouldn't be publicly exposed, see
Remote procedure calls.
Use --unsafe-rpc-external to suppress the warning if you understand the risks.
--unsafe-rpc-external Listens to all RPC interfaces. This option is the same as
--base-path <path> Specifies a custom base path.
--bootnodes <node-identifier> Specifies a list of boot nodes identifiers for peer-to-peer communication.
--chain <chain-specification> Specifies the chain specification to use. You can set this option using a predefined chain specification name,
such as dev, local, or stagingor you can specify the path to a file that contains the chain
specification, for example, the chain specification generated by using the build-spec subcommand.
--name <name> Specifies the human-readable name for this node. The node name is reported to the telemetry server, if enabled.
--password <password> Specifies the password to use for the keystore.
--telemetry-url <url verbosity> Specifies the URL of the telemetry server to connect to. You can pass
this flag multiple times to specify multiple telemetry endpoints.
Verbosity levels range from 0-9, with 0 denoting the least verbose. Use
the following format to specify the URL followed the verbosity option is --telemetry-url 'wss://foo/bar 0'.

3.2 Without Docker

All required parameters (--name, -u, -p etc.) for run command you can take from Docker example.

Linux / MacOS

cargo build --release --no-default-features --features="sydney"
cargo run --release -p ggxchain-node --no-default-features --features "sydney"

cargo build --release --no-default-features --features="brooklyn"
cargo run --release -p ggxchain-node --no-default-features --features "brooklyn" --light-client-relay-config-path eth-relay.toml
--light-client-init-pallet-config-path eth-init.toml

To run in dev mode add -- --dev flag to run command


nix build .#sydney-node
nix run .#sydney-node

To run in dev mode use

nix run .#single-fast sydney

To run 3-node network

nix run .#multi-fast sydney

To stop .#multi-fast or .#single-fast nodes

nix run .#prune-running
nix build .#brooklyn-node
nix run .#brooklyn-node

To run in dev mode use

nix run .#single-fast`

To run 3-node network

nix run .#multi-fast

To stop .#multi-fast or .#single-fast nodes

nix run .#prune-running

Developer information

Please be aware that the node uses substrate subxt to submit transactions and depends on the our metadata API. Anything related to eth_light_client would probably require to get updated next repos:

To generate a new metadata:

# run a new version of the node
./ggxchain-node --dev

# Please be aware that the executable should match the same version that you are using for library.
# Otherwise, it may have compatibility issues
cargo install subxt@version
subxt metadata > file.scale