In this project, I have used Insurance Claim Dataset, related to the transactions of an insurance company in the United States to detect fraud. Following steps show the implementation process in detail:
- Preprocessing: One-Hot Encoding and filling or removing missing data
- Seperating train data and test data
- Generating primary SVM
- Evaluating the model using Confusion Matrix for each of the 4 kernels: linear, poly, rbf, sigmoid
- Optimizing values of the parameters using "GridSearchCV()" method
- Regenerating the SVM based on best optimized parameters
- Drawing ROC for both primary and final SVM model
In addition, I have degraded the features' degree to 2D using PCA:
By running the code using following command, you can see the results by yourself:
But before that you need to have the following Python packages installed:
- pandas >= 0.25.1
- numpy >= 1.17.2
A very complete Persian Report is also included in Report.pdf.
Thanks to Mr. Josh Starmer for his wonderful tutorials :D