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ghdrako edited this page Jan 15, 2024 · 7 revisions
$ docker volume create grafana-storage
|$ docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 \
-v grafana-storage:/var/lib/grafana grafana/Grafana

Core Grafana stack

The core Grafana stack consists of Mimir, Loki, Tempo, and Grafana; the acronym LGTM is often used to refer to this tech stack.

  • Mimir is a Time Series Database (TSDB) for the storage of metric data. It uses low-cost object storage such as S3, GCS, or Azure Blob Storage. Mimir is a fully Prometheus-compatible solution thataddresses the common scalability problems encountered with storing and searching huge quantities of metric data.
  • Loki is a set of components that offer a full feature logging stack. Loki uses lower-cost object storage such as S3 or GCS, and only indexes label metadata.
  • Tempo is a storage backend for high-scale distributed trace telemetry, with the aim of sampling 100% of the read path. Tempo also offers the ability to generate metrics from spans as they are ingested; these metrics can be written to any backend that supports Prometheus remote write.
  • Grafana Agent is a collection of tools for collecting logs, metrics, and traces.There are many other collection tools that Grafana integrates well with.
  • Grafana Faro is a JavaScript agent that can be added to frontend web applications. The project allows for real user monitoring (RUM) by collecting telemetry from a browser.
  • k6 is a load testing tool that provides both a packaged tool

Connecting Grafana to a Data Source

version: ‘3’
image: “grafana/grafana:${GRAF_TAG-latest}”
- “3000:3000”
- “${PWD-.}/grafana:/var/lib/grafana”
image: “prom/prometheus:${PROM_TAG-latest}”
- “9090:9090”
- “${PWD-.}/prometheus:/etc/prometheus”



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