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postgres tablespace

ghdrako edited this page Nov 4, 2023 · 4 revisions

A tablespace is a directory that can be outside the PGDATA directory and can also belong to different storage. Tablespaces are mapped into the PGDATA directory by means of symbolic links stored in the pg_tblspc subdirectory. In this way, the PostgreSQL processes do not have to look outside PGDATA, but are still able to access “external” storage. A tablespace can be used to achieve different aims, such as enlarging the storage data or providing different stor- age performances for specific objects. For instance, you can create a tablespace on a slow disk to contain infrequently accessed objects and tables, keeping fast storage within another tablespace for frequently accessed objects.

Create tablespace

Create a directory as shown:

$ sudo mkdir -p /newtablespace
$ sudo chown postgres:postgres /newtablespace

Now create a tablespace using the newly created directory by running the following command:

$ psql -c "CREATE TABLESPACE newtblspc LOCATION '/newtablespace'"

Check the pg_tblspc directory to see a symlink to the new tablespace:

$ ls -l $PGDATA/pg_tblspc
 total 0
 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 postgres postgres 14 Nov 3 00:24 24611 -> /newtablespace

List tablespaces

postgres=# \db
 List of tablespaces
 Name | Owner | Location
 newtblspc | postgres | /newtablespace
 pg_default | postgres |
 pg_global | postgres |

Create in specific tablespace

postgres=# create table employee (id int) TABLESPACE newtblspc;

If you create a table inside the new tablespace, here is how the relation path appears. In the following log, it shows how the table is pointing to the appropriate tablespace:

postgres=# select pg_relation_filepath('employee');
 (1 row)

And now, if you describe the table, you should be able to see the tablespace in which the table got created:

postgres=# \d employee
 Table "public.employee"
 Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
 id | integer | | |
 Tablespace: "newtblspc"

Move to tablespace

To move a table to another tablespace, the syntax looks like the following:

ALTER TABLE <schemaname.tablename> SET TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>;

To move an index to a new tablespace, the syntax looks like the following:

ALTER TABLE <schemaname.indexname> SET TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>;
ALTER INDEX percona.foo_id_idx SET TABLESPACE newtblspc;


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