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kubernetes namespace

ghdrako edited this page Dec 5, 2023 · 4 revisions

Kubernetes namespaces

Feature Benefit
Role-based access control (RBAC) per namespace Enhanced security
Resource isolation, Fewer API operations per namespace in large clusters Improved performance
Resource quotas per namespace Better capacity management
Name scoping provided by namespace Efficient organization

Namespace important concepts:

  • Resources inside namespaces are logically separated from each other but they can still communicate
  • Namespaces dont provide true multi-tenancy the way other solutions do ( such as public cloud virtual infrastructure or Openstack Private Cloud )
  • There is a single default Kubernetes namespace, but you can create as many namespaces as needed within a cluster
  • Namespaces cannot be nested within each other.
kubectl get namespac

Automatically created namespaces is:

  • default- used by user apps by default, until there are other custom namespaces
  • kube-public- used by public Kubernetes resources, not recommended to be used by cluster users
  • kube-system- used by Kubernetes control plane, and must not be used by cluster users
kubectl create namespace test
kubectl delete ns test
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<insert-namespace-name-here>


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