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postgres backup pg_rman

ghdrako edited this page May 4, 2024 · 9 revisions

Physical backup


rsync is a widely used utility for efficiently synchronizing files and directories between different locations. It can be utilized for physical backups by copying the PostgreSQL data directory to a backup location. The basic rsync command for backing up a PostgreSQL data directory would be: rsync -avz -- progress /path/to/pg/data/ /path/to/bkp/location/ This command re cursively copies the files and directories from the PostgreSQL data directory to the backup location while preserving file permissions, ownership, and timestamps.

Systemctl stop postgresql-15.service
rsync -avz –progress /var/lib/pgsql/15/data /pg_backup/Physical_bkp

The command initiates the rsync utility.

  • -a enables the archive mode, which preserves file attributes such as permissions, ownership, and timestamps.
  • -v activates verbose mode, providing detailed information about the files being copied.
  • -z enables compression during the transfer to reduce network bandwidth usage.
  • --progress displays the progress of the backup process, showing the transfer rate and estimated completion time.
  • /var/lib/pgsql/15/data represents the source directory where the PostgreSQL data files are located. You may need to adjust the path based on your PostgreSQL installation.
  • /pg_backup/Physical_bkp is the destination directory where the backup files will be stored. Modify the path according to your desired backup location.


A built-in tool provided by PostgreSQL for taking base backups at the file level. It performs a streaming backup of the entire database cluster, including data files and transaction logs. To use pg_basebackup, you would typically execute a command like.

pg_basebackup -D /path/to/bkp/location -Ft -X stream This command instructs pg_base

backup to stream the backup in the tar format (-Ft) to the specified backup location (-D). The -X stream option ensures that the backup is streamed rather than written to a file on the server.

pg_basebackup -U postgres -D /pg_backup/phy_bkp -Ft -z -P -Xs -c fast


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