This tool extracts dependencies between database objects:
- views depend on tables or other views
- tables may have foreign keys
At the moment, sqlgg can't parse all function calls and doesn't parse foreign keys at all, so I've thrown together a small but naïve shell script to analyze SQL scripts formatted the way I write them.
Extract dependencies, optionally prepending a schema name:
$ ./sqldep print <demo/print/schema.sql |tee demo/print.dep
TABLE print.paper:
TABLE print.service: print.paper
VIEW print.per_user: print.service print.paper
VIEW print.per_class: print.service print.paper school.class
Extract dependencies from another SQL script:
$ ./sqldep school <demo/school/schema.sql >demo/school.dep
Concatenate dependency information:
$ cat demo/{print,school}.dep >demo/all.dep
Convert dependencies to a dot script, then render it using GraphViz:
$ utils/sqldep_to_dot <demo/all.dep |dot -Tsvg >demo/objects.svg
Convert dependencies to a dot script describing inter-schema dependencies, then render it using GraphViz:
$ (cd utils; ./sqldep_to_schema_dot) <demo/all.dep |dot -Tsvg >demo/schemata.svg
$ cd demo/data
$ make
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